7 Huge Reusable Water Bottle Benefits vs Plastic

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Arabella Ruiz
Arabella Ruiz is a senior researcher at The Roundup, specializing in data and statistics. She lives in San Antonio, Texas and has been interested in the environment from an early age. Arabella loves to campaign for environmental causes and fundraise for charities that aim to preserve wildlife habitat, protect endangered species or help people with climate change problems.
Arabella Ruiz
Updated: March 16, 2024

Recently, more and more people have switched to a reusable water bottle - and not before time.

I've always drunk a lot of bottled water, and have owned my stainless steel water bottle for 6 years. I also recently completed an extensive research project into global plastic waste, so I know firsthand the damage that single-use plastic water bottles can do.

Switching to eco-friendly, reusable water bottles can help us eliminate plastic bottle waste - but that's not the only benefit. There are some other very good reasons to switch as well.

Here are 7 reusable water bottle benefits that could help you decide to ditch disposable bottles for good.

Reduce Plastic Waste

plastic bottle pollution in the ocean

One of the main benefits of reusable water bottles, and one of the main reasons why they are becoming so popular, is that they help reduce plastic pollution.

Every year, 50 billion single use water bottles are sold in the US, the vast majority of which either end up in landfills or add to the 5.25 trillion items of plastic waste already in our oceans.

This kills marine life, litters and pollutes our beaches, and even leaches microplastics and toxic chemicals into our drinking water. Plastic particles are regularly found in municipal drinking water in the US and in many other countries around the world.

Every time you buy a plastic water bottle, you are contributing to this problem.

But if you buy just one refillable bottle for each person in your household, you will drastically reduce your consumption of single-use plastics and at the very least, stop making the problem worse than it already is.

Reusable Water Bottles Save Money

reusable water bottles save money

Another key benefit of reusable bottles is that they can save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

While the initial cost of a reusable bottle may be higher than a disposable plastic bottle, it is a one-time purchase that can last a lifetime. Your refills are free, whether you're at home or out and about.

In an effort to support and encourage people to use refillable bottles, many businesses, parks, and public buildings offer free tap water to refill your reusable water bottle.

The average price of bottled water in the US is $1.98. The average American consumes 13 disposable water bottles per month, giving an average monthly expenditure of $25.74.

The best stainless steel water bottles (as recommended here) retail for between $30 and $50, depending on the size and brand you buy.

That means that in two months (or less) your reusable water bottle will have paid for itself, and from that point on you'll be saving money every time you refill it.

Reduce CO2 Emissions

In addition to helping reduce plastic waste, reusable water bottles can also help reduce your carbon footprint.

The production of disposable plastic bottles requires fossil fuels and emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It takes 17 million barrels of oil every year to satisfy America's plastic water bottle demand.

Obviously, the production, manufacture, and distribution of each reusable water bottle do have associated carbon dioxide emissions. The difference is that this is only required once per bottle, not once per drink!

The cumulative effect of plastic-free alternatives, therefore, means there is a significantly lower carbon footprint when compared to plastic water bottles.

Plastic Bottles Can Harm Your Health

Disposable plastic water bottles can also be harmful to your health, if not used correctly.

While there is no evidence to suggest that plastic water bottles are harmful when they are still new, many people tend to fill them up again, or drink from old bottles that have been damaged, or left lying around in direct sunlight.

Hot temperatures can allow bacteria to breed, and reusing a plastic bottle can also cause harmful chemicals to leak from the plastic into your drinking water.

These chemicals, including BPAs, have been linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer.

Reusable water bottles made from safe materials can help you avoid these potential health risks. They are also far more robust and, providing you buy a reputable brand, they are highly unlikely to ever crack or break.

Owning a refillable bottle also means you always have a drink with you, wherever you go. This encourages you to drink more water, promoting healthy living, keeping you hydrated and alert, and improving your digestion and complexion.

Reusable Bottles Keep Your Drinks Cool Longer

Another great benefit of reusable water bottles is that they can keep your drinks colder for longer periods of time. This is especially beneficial in hot weather conditions.

Disposable plastic bottles are not very effective at insulating your drinks, which means that they will quickly become warm, which can often make the water taste bad.

What's more, contrary to popular belief, there is no metallic taste in your water when you use a stainless steel water bottle.

Reusable water bottles don't rust or corrode even after prolonged exposure, so the water tastes clean and fresh.

In fact, many people prefer the taste of tap water in stainless steel water bottles to that of bottled water, even in cooler conditions.

More Versatile and More Convenient

Reusable water bottles are also more versatile and convenient than disposable plastic bottles. Firstly, you're not limited to just water! They can be used for a variety of different beverages, including hot and cold drinks.

Also, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from larger bottles for long hikes or days out, to smaller ones that are perfect for the gym, or to fit in your bike or car drinks holder.

Because a stainless steel water bottle is far more robust, it can take a lot of punishment without getting damaged. You can confidently shove it in your bag without worrying about it losing its shape or springing a leak.

A reusable water bottle can be filled for free from any tap or water dispenser. You won't ever need to worry about going to the store or finding a vending machine to buy expensive bottled water again.

It's Cool to be Green

Owning a reusable water bottle is not only good for the environment, but it's also trendy. These days, being green is cool, and using plastic water bottles most certainly is not!

In a world where people are finally getting the message about the importance of sustainability, it's no surprise that reusable water bottles have become a must-have accessory and are now carried by celebrities, musicians, and movie stars all over the world.

Whether you're carrying it around with you to the gym or using it to stay hydrated at work, a reusable water bottle is a stylish way to show that you're reducing plastic waste and doing your part to reduce your environmental impact.

In Conclusion

As well as avoiding the negative impact of plastic bottles, there are also several benefits to reusable water bottles that will have a very positive impact on your life.

If you already own a reusable bottle but weren't making enough use of it, I hope I've managed to convince you to take it with you wherever you go.

If you haven't yet joined the revolution, now is the perfect time.

Head over to our roundup of the best eco-friendly water bottles where we can help you find the perfect size and design to fit your needs and budget.

If everyone makes this simple change today, we can all help make plastic water bottles a thing of the past.

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Arabella Ruiz
Arabella Ruiz
Arabella Ruiz is a senior researcher at The Roundup, specializing in data and statistics. She lives in San Antonio, Texas and has been interested in the environment from an early age. Arabella loves to campaign for environmental causes and fundraise for charities that aim to preserve wildlife habitat, protect endangered species or help people with climate change problems.
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