Are Coffee Filters Compostable or Recyclable?

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Stephanie Cole
With her Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (MSREE) from Oregon Tech, Steph is supremely well qualified to write on all aspects of sustainable living. She has already achieved a zero carbon footprint and her goal is to help as many other people as possible do the same. Her other hobbies include music, yoga, swimming and horror movies.
Stephanie Cole
Updated: March 19, 2024

If you're a coffee drinker like I am, chances are you use a coffee filter at least once daily, either at home or at work (or both).

You probably already know that your used coffee grounds can be composted, but what about the filters? Too often, these are simply thrown in the trash without a second thought. But could (and should) we be disposing of them more responsibly?

Today I'll run through the different types of coffee filters on the market and show you which ones are biodegradable, compostable, and/or recyclable, and which are not.

What Are Coffee Filters Made From?

Before we can decide whether your used coffee filters are actually compostable, we need to identify what they are made from. There are several types of coffee filters available, some can be composed and some cannot.

Paper Filters (Bleached or Unbleached)

are paper coffee filters compostable and biodegradable

Most traditional coffee filters are made of paper. The paper is usually cone-shaped and has a fine woven texture. This type of paper is also known as filter paper.

Coffee filters are designed to allow only coffee grounds and water to pass through while trapping the coffee grounds inside the filter.

Filter paper is made from cellulose, which is a natural fiber derived from plants, meaning it is biodegradable. Cellulose is treated with chemicals to make it stronger and more absorbent. The treated cellulose is then formed into a sheet and dried.

Once the filter paper is dry, it is cut into the desired shape and size. Bleach is added to create white coffee filters (which some people prefer as they look newer and cleaner).

Alternatively, unbleached coffee filters are available which are a darker color but still do the same job.

Plastic Coated Filters

A plastic coated filter is also made of paper but has a thin layer of plastic on top which means it is reusable.

Whilst they can be used more often than paper filters, this type of plastic coating filter is bad for the environment as it cannot be recycled or composted.

Metal Filters

reusable metal coffee filter

Metal coffee filters are the modern, zero waste option. They are made from thin metal (usually stainless steel) meaning they are recyclable but obviously not biodegradable or compostable.

However, metal filters are not designed to be thrown away. They are easily cleaned and can be reused indefinitely, potentially lasting a lifetime if treated well.

Cloth Filters

Cloth filters are another sustainable and reusable option that is popular with people trying to live a zero-waste lifestyle.

Cloth is excellent at absorbing oil and preventing coffee grounds from passing through. Whilst it is not quite as durable as metal, it is easy to clean and can be reused many times.

Are Coffee Filters Biodegradable?

Paper coffee filters are naturally biodegradable, meaning that they can be broken down by bacteria and other organisms.

Bleached coffee filters will still biodegrade, even if they are not as environmentally friendly to produce as unbleached filters.

However, the problem is those coffee filters that are coated with a thin layer of plastic. This helps to make them reusable, but it also means that they will not decompose in the same way as uncoated paper filters.

Plastic coated filters need to be washed and returned to your coffee maker, and not thrown in the trash.

Metal filters are (as you probably guessed) not biodegradable, but that doesn't matter as they are not designed to be thrown away.

Are Coffee Filters Compostable at Home?

When it comes to composting coffee filters, much depends on the type of filter and whether you are trying to maintain a 100% organic garden.

  • Unbleached coffee filters are made of natural paper fibers and this type of coffee filter is always safe to compost at home.
  • Bleached paper filters have been treated with chemicals to make them white, and while these filters can be composted, the chemicals that were used in the bleaching process may harm an organic garden.
  • A reusable coffee filter normally has a layer of plastic on it that makes it non-compostable.

So when you're finished with your coffee, make sure to check the type of filter before adding it to your compost pile!

How to compost coffee filters

Many people are unsure about whether it is OK to compost coffee filters immediately after removing them from the coffee machine, or whether it is necessary to remove coffee grounds or rinse the filter first.

Assuming you're using a standard paper coffee filter, the answer to both questions is no - there's no need to remove the coffee granules or wash the filter before composting.

A coffee filter can go straight into your compost pile, where it'll break down just like any other organic material. However, it's worth noting that coffee filters will break down more slowly than other compostable items like fruit and vegetable scraps.

So if you're looking for a quick boost of composting material, coffee filters might not be the best option. But if you're patient, they'll eventually break down and provide valuable nutrients for your plants.

How Long Does a Coffee Filter Take to Decompose?

As I mentioned earlier, paper coffee filters are made from cellulose, a natural substance that is derived from wood pulp. Cellulose is also found in other paper products such as tissue paper and paper towels.

When cellulose is exposed to moisture, it will break down and decompose. This process is known as hydrolysis.

The rate of hydrolysis depends on the amount of moisture present. Generally, it takes 6-8 months for a single paper filter to decompose in wet conditions.

If the filter is left to dry out, it will take longer to decompose. However, the cellulose will eventually break down into carbon dioxide and water even in dry conditions.

Are Coffee Filters Harmful to the Environment?

So are coffee filters bad from an environmental perspective? Much depends on the type, and this is one of the rare cases in which "reusable" may be worse than "disposable."

Regular coffee filters are made from paper, which is a renewable resource. However, bleaching the paper during manufacturing can release harmful chemicals into the environment.

Unbleached coffee filters are a better choice for the environment because they don't require this extra bleaching step. In addition, coffee filters can be composted after use. This helps to reduce waste and creates nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

However, it's important to make sure that your coffee filters are made from 100% recycled paper before composting them. Otherwise, you may be inadvertently contributing to deforestation.

Overall, reusable metal or cloth coffee filters are the best choices for the environment. However, if you cannot use these, unbleached paper filters are the next best choice as these can be disposed of in your home compost bin.

Do Coffee Filters Contain Plastic?

Most disposable coffee filters are made out of paper. However, some reusable paper coffee filters contain a small amount of plastic. This plastic is used to help keep the shape of the filter and make it more durable.

While this plastic does not leach into your coffee, it is not possible to compost coffee filters with a plastic coating.

You will need to remove the coffee grounds from the filter before composting them, but there is no way to compost or recycle the reusable coffee filter itself. Unfortunately, these get thrown in the trash bin.

If you want to compost your coffee filters, it is best to choose ones that are made out of 100% paper.

Are Coffee Filters Recyclable?

Coffee filter paper is not recyclable in the same manner that other papers are. They are mainly used in composting, but should not be discarded as part of your paper recycling. If you are using plastic coating filters, you have to throw them in the trash.

There are also other ways you can reduce waste by reusing your coffee filter in different ways around the home.

To Strain Cooking Oil

Coffee filters do a great job as cooking oil strainers. By running your used cooking oil through a used coffee filter, it will remove all the impurities and leave the oil suitable for reuse.

As a Plant Pot Liner

A used coffee filter makes a perfect liner for your plant pots. It stops soil from spilling out and even keeps most of the water from seeping through holes and cracks.

The Advantages of a Reusable Filter vs Disposable Ones

There are numerous benefits to using reusable filters which makes them a better choice than disposable filters, both financially and environmentally. If you're still using disposable filters compostable, here are some reasons why you might want to make the change.

  • Better for the Environment
  • Inexpensive to buy
  • Much cheaper in the long term
  • Easy to clean
  • Compatible with most coffee machine brands
  • Never runs out
  • Tastes just as good (if not better)

The Final Word

Modern coffee filters come in all shapes and sizes and we now have a choice about whether we want to buy environmentally friendly versions or not.

Unlike some products, where the eco-friendly versions can sometimes be more expensive, with coffee filters we can actually save money in the long term by choosing reusable metal or cloth filters rather than disposable paper ones.

However, if you do need to buy paper filters, make sure they are not the plastic-lined versions. In that way, you can at least compost your filter after it has been used, rather than throwing it away.

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Stephanie Cole
Stephanie Cole
With her Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (MSREE) from Oregon Tech, Steph is supremely well qualified to write on all aspects of sustainable living. She has already achieved a zero carbon footprint and her goal is to help as many other people as possible do the same. Her other hobbies include music, yoga, swimming and horror movies. - As Seen On
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