What Does GOTS Certified Mean and Why Does it Matter?

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James Miller
James is an environmentalist, sustainability expert and senior editor at TheRoundup, specializing in testing non-toxic, organic and eco-friendly products. James, his wife and two daughters believe in chemical-free and zero-waste living. They aim to leave the planet in a better state than we found it, for future generations to enjoy.
James Miller
Updated: September 9, 2023

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a globally recognized certification that ensures textiles are made from organic fibers and produced under environmentally and socially responsible conditions.

In my years of experience testing and reviewing eco-friendly products, I've extensively researched exactly what it means for a product or brand to be GOTS certified, and often seen what a difference it can make.

Whether you're a conscious consumer looking to make ethical purchases or a manufacturer aiming for sustainable production, this article will offer you detailed insights into the criteria, benefits, and types of products that can carry the GOTS label, as well as how to verify it.

What is GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)?

The Global Organic Textile Standard, commonly known as GOTS, is a textile processing standard that encompasses the entire supply chain - from organic farming to dyeing and processing, all the way to the final product.

This standard ensures not only the organic status of fabrics but also guarantees that the production process is ethical and environmentally sustainable.

Being GOTS-certified means that textile products must meet a set of stringent criteria covering the use of organic fibers and the responsible management of all processing stages. The GOTS label is a trustworthy sign that you're investing in organic fabrics that are both ethically produced and high in quality.

Criteria for GOTS Certification

GOTS is recognized as the leading global processing standard for organic fabrics. In order for a product to be GOTS certified, it must meet a rigorous set of criteria that covers every stage of the supply chain.

From the sourcing of fibers to the final touches in processing and manufacturing, GOTS ensures that every step is in line with its high standards.

Organic Fibers

The cornerstone of GOTS is the use of fibers that are grown and harvested organically. These fibers must be sourced responsibly and verified to ensure they meet the organic status required by the standard.

Fair Treatment and Social Criteria

Beyond the use of organic fabrics, GOTS also mandates fair labor practices. This includes fair wages, no child labor, and adherence to the norms of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Environmental Standards

GOTS also sets stringent environmental criteria for textile manufacturing and processing. This includes responsible waste management, energy usage, and the treatment of wastewater.

Benefits to the Consumer

When it comes to making ethical and sustainable choices, opting for GOTS certified organic cotton and other materials is a step in the right direction. Here's why you should choose GOTS certified products:

Transparency and Assurance

GOTS certification ensures that you're getting what you pay for. When you see the GOTS label, you can be confident that the product is made from certified organic cotton or other fibers, and that it has been produced under socially responsible conditions.

Quality of Products

There are many reasons why organic cotton is better than conventional. Not only is it free from harmful pesticides but is also of higher quality compared to conventional cotton.

The absence of fertilizer and other harmful chemicals means that GOTS organic cotton is also less likely to cause skin irritations or allergies.

Ethical and Environmental Impact

Did you know that conventional cotton farming uses 4.7% of the world’s pesticides and 10% of insecticides? By choosing GOTS organic cotton, you're not only opting for a chemical-free option but also contributing to a reduction in harmful environmental practices.

GOTS gives you peace of mind that from farming to production, the environmental and social impacts are minimal.

Potential Drawbacks

While the benefits of choosing GOTS-certified products are numerous, it's essential to understand some of the challenges and complexities that come with obtaining GOTS certification.

Cost and Complexity

GOTS accreditation involves a rigorous process that covers every aspect of the textile supply chain, from organic farming to final production. This comprehensive approach ensures the highest quality and ethical standards but also comes with its own set of challenges.

The complexity of meeting these criteria often translates into higher production costs, which can, in turn, result in a higher retail price for the consumer. However, many find that the assurance of quality, ethical production, and environmental responsibility justifies the extra cost.

Comparison with Other Standards

In the textile industry, GOTS is not the only eco-label that consumers might encounter. Two other notable standards are the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) and USDA Organic. Here's how GOTS stacks up against these:


While both GOTS and BCI aim to improve ethical and environmental standards, GOTS takes a more stringent approach.

BCI allows the use of some pesticides and doesn't strictly regulate the dyeing process, whereas GOTS ensures that products are free from harmful chemicals throughout the entire supply chain.

GOTS vs. USDA Organic

USDA Organic is a certification primarily focused on food products but also covers materials like cotton.

While USDA Organic ensures that the cotton used in organic clothing is made without the use of synthetic pesticides, it doesn't cover other aspects of the textile industry, such as dyeing and labor conditions.

In contrast, GOTS provides a more comprehensive standard that encompasses both the environmental and social aspects of textile production.

Examples of Products that can be GOTS Certified

GOTS certification isn't limited to a single category of textile products. From your bedroom to your wardrobe, GOTS has a significant impact on various types of everyday products.

Here are some common organic products that often carry the GOTS label and why it matters:

Mattresses, Sheets, and Bedding

When it comes to products that you'll be in close contact with for extended periods, like mattresses, and eco friendly bedsheets (especially kid's bedding), GOTS accreditation is particularly crucial.

Many types of GOTS certified mattresses include cotton layers, which are added to provide an extra soft plush feel.

GOTS-certified options verify the use of chemical-free materials, setting them apart from non-certified alternatives that may contain harmful substances.


Clothing is more than just a fashion statement; it's something that stays in contact with your skin all day.

Opting for GOTS-certified clothing ensures that you're wearing garments made from organic materials, free from harmful dyes and chemicals. This not only benefits your skin but also sets a higher ethical standard compared to non-certified clothing.

Baby Products

For baby products like diapers, wipes, and of course those adorably soft GOTS organic baby clothes, GOTS certification provides vital reassurance for parents.

Babies have sensitive skin, and GOTS ensures that these products are free from harmful chemicals and are produced ethically, offering parents peace of mind that they are making the safest choice for their little ones.


Your skin is most vulnerable when it's wet, making the quality of your towels more critical than you might think. GOTS-certified towels are made from organically farmed fibers and produced under safe working conditions, offering a healthier and more ethical option than their non-certified counterparts.

Personal Care Items

For personal care items like cotton pads and menstrual products that come in direct contact with sensitive areas, GOTS certification means you can be confident the products are made without the use of toxic chemicals, ensuring that you're not exposing your body to harmful substances.

How to Verify GOTS Organic Certification

how to verify GOTS status via label

Verifying the GOTS-accredited status of a product is a straightforward process but an essential one for conscious consumers.

The most direct way to confirm if a product is GOTS certified is to look for the GOTS logo on the product itself. This label is often found on the packaging or the care tag of textile items.

Additionally, you can check the product's website or contact the manufacturer for certification details. Some companies also provide a certification number that you can cross-reference on the official GOTS website to ensure its authenticity.

The Final Word

GOTS certification offers a comprehensive and reliable standard for consumers who want to make ethical and sustainable textile choices.

From the rigorous criteria that cover the entire textile supply chain to the benefits of higher quality and ethical production, GOTS stands out as a leading eco-label that you can trust.

While it may come with a higher price tag, the assurance of quality, ethical labor practices, and the reduced environmental impact often justify the extra cost. Whether you're shopping for clothing, bedding, or personal care items, looking for the GOTS label can make a significant difference to your impact on the planet and its people.

Additional Resources

To find out more about the GOTS standard, visit the Official Website.

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James Miller
James Miller
James is an environmentalist, sustainability expert and senior editor at TheRoundup, specializing in testing non-toxic, organic and eco-friendly products. James, his wife and two daughters believe in chemical-free and zero-waste living. They aim to leave the planet in a better state than we found it, for future generations to enjoy.
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