What Is Organic Coconut Coir and What Is It Used For?

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Stephanie Cole
With her Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (MSREE) from Oregon Tech, Steph is supremely well qualified to write on all aspects of sustainable living. She has already achieved a zero carbon footprint and her goal is to help as many other people as possible do the same. Her other hobbies include music, yoga, swimming and horror movies.
Stephanie Cole
Updated: November 18, 2023

Organic coconut coir is a versatile, eco-friendly material made from the fibrous husk of coconuts. It's widely used in gardening, animal bedding, and even in eco-friendly products like mattresses and packaging materials.

Here at TheRoundup.org, we specialize in reviewing eco-friendly products and materials. Our team conducts thorough research and consults with experts to bring you reliable and practical solutions for a greener lifestyle.

In this article, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of organic coconut coir from an environmental perspective.

We'll delve into its pros and cons, explore its various uses in eco-friendly products, and compare it to other materials like peat moss and regular soil.

Whether you're a gardener, a sustainability enthusiast, or someone curious about eco-friendly materials, this article has something for you.

What is Organic Coconut Coir?

coco coir raw materials


Organic coconut coir is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of coconut husks.

Unlike regular coconut coir, the "organic" label indicates that the coconuts are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. This makes it an even more sustainable choice for those looking to minimize their environmental impact.


Coconut coir comes from tropical countries where coconut palms are abundant.

The husks are soaked in water, a process known as "retting," to loosen the fibers. These fibers are then separated, cleaned, and processed into various forms like bricks, mats, or loose coir.

The organic variety ensures that this entire process is carried out in an eco-friendly manner, often using natural methods for retting and minimal processing.


The composition of coconut coir is what sets it apart from other organic materials like peat moss or regular soil.

It's rich in lignin, a complex organic polymer, which makes it highly durable and resistant to decomposition. This is a significant advantage for long-term applications.

Moreover, its natural pH balance makes it an excellent medium for plant growth, and its fibrous structure allows for excellent water retention and aeration.

Benefits of Using Organic Coconut Coir

Environmental Benefits

One of the most compelling reasons to opt for organic coconut coir is its environmental sustainability.

Being a byproduct of the coconut industry, it turns waste into a valuable resource. Moreover, organic coconut coir is produced without synthetic chemicals. This reduces its carbon footprint and means it is a non-toxic material for use in eco-friendly products.

It's also biodegradable, meaning it won't contribute to landfill waste in the long run.

Agricultural Benefits

From an agricultural standpoint, organic coconut coir offers several advantages.

It has excellent water retention capabilities (it can hold as much as 10x its weight in liquid) meaning less frequent watering, conserving a valuable resource.

Despite this, its natural aeration properties still allow oxygen to pass through, making it an ideal growing medium, promoting healthy root development in plants.

These features make it a superior alternative to traditional soil and even other organic materials like peat moss, which has its own environmental drawbacks.

Economic Benefits

While organic coconut coir may initially seem more expensive than other options, its long-term benefits make it cost-effective.

It is comparatively lightweight, with a density of just 1.2–1.3 g/cm3, making it easy and cheap to transport in large quantities.

Its durability means it can be reused multiple times, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Also, its water retention capabilities can lead to lower water bills, making it an economically sensible choice for both individual and commercial applications.

Common Uses of Organic Coconut Coir

uses of coco coir in mattresses and agriculture

Gardening and Agriculture

Organic coconut coir is a popular choice for soil amendments and hydroponic systems.

It is less hydrophobic than other soil enrichment methods, meaning it can help the soil retain moisture using less water overall. The fact it is renewable and has a neutral pH gives it an edge over other options like peat moss.

Animal Bedding

Coconut coir is also used as an eco-friendly bedding material for pets and livestock and is often used in organic dog beds. It's highly absorbent, odor-resistant, and biodegradable, making it a sustainable alternative to synthetic bedding materials.

Erosion Control

The fibrous structure of coconut coir makes it effective for controlling soil erosion, particularly on slopes and embankments. Its biodegradability ensures that it won't contribute to environmental pollution in the long term.

Organic Mattresses and Upholstery

Coconut coir is increasingly being used as a natural filler material by sustainable mattress brands. Its firm support and natural breathability make it ideal for use in furniture upholstery and also non toxic baby mattresses, offering a comfortable, non-toxic, and sustainable sleeping solution.

Packaging Material

In the quest for sustainable packaging solutions, organic coconut coir is emerging as a viable option. Its cushioning properties make it ideal for protecting fragile items, and its biodegradability ensures minimal environmental impact.

Sponges and Scrubbers

Coconut coir can be fashioned into natural sponges and scrubbers for cleaning. These eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic sponges are both effective and biodegradable.

Other Uses

While less common, coconut coir is also used in applications like oil spill cleanup, water filtration, and even arts and crafts. Its versatility and eco-friendly nature make it a material worth exploring for various sustainable applications.

How to Use Organic Coconut Coir

Preparing Coconut Coir

Before using organic coconut coir, it's essential to prepare it properly. If you've purchased it in brick form, you'll need to hydrate it by soaking it in water. Make sure to use a large container, as the brick will expand significantly. For those concerned about the environmental impact, consider using collected rainwater for this process.

Application Tips

Gardening and Agriculture

  • For soil amendment, mix the prepared coir with your existing soil at a ratio that suits your plants' needs.
  • In hydroponic systems, ensure that the coir is free of any contaminants and is adequately hydrated before use.

Animal Bedding

  • Spread a layer of coconut coir in the animal's enclosure, making sure it's thick enough to provide comfort but not so thick that it becomes a breeding ground for pests.

Mattresses and Upholstery

  • If you're considering a DIY project, ensure that the coir you use is free from any chemicals and is certified organic.

Packaging Material

  • Use loose coconut coir to fill gaps in the packaging, ensuring that the items are snug but not compressed.

Sponges and Scrubbers

  • If you're making your own sponges or scrubbers, ensure that the coir is tightly bound to prevent it from falling apart during use.


  • If you're incorporating coconut coir into footwear, make sure it's adequately treated to withstand wear and tear.


Organic coconut coir is more than just a trendy eco-friendly material; it's a versatile and sustainable option for a range of applications.

From gardening and animal bedding to eco-friendly products like mattresses and packaging, coconut coir offers a host of environmental, agricultural, and economic benefits. Its sustainability credentials make it a compelling choice for anyone looking to adopt a greener lifestyle.

Whether you're new to the world of sustainable living or a seasoned eco-warrior, organic coconut coir offers a practical and environmentally responsible solution for various needs.

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Stephanie Cole
Stephanie Cole
With her Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (MSREE) from Oregon Tech, Steph is supremely well qualified to write on all aspects of sustainable living. She has already achieved a zero carbon footprint and her goal is to help as many other people as possible do the same. Her other hobbies include music, yoga, swimming and horror movies.
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